Originally posted by Steve A.
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On this chassis, the jacks and switches are quite a bit farther towards the preamp side of the chassis. So the output jacks are over the tremolo tube, the standby switch is over the phase inverter. There wasn't enough room to route the dirty signal wiring wiring to/from the standby switch along the chassis, away from the phase inverter and output trans wiring, so I twisted it and routed it in the air. Otherwise, it would run very close to either the phase inverter socket wiring or the output transformer wiring, neither very good. Probably worse if closer to the phase inverter wiring?
The reverb transformer is in similar relative positioning, and mounted 45 degrees. The OT and PT seem to be similar relative positioning compared to the originals.
*** thanks for the tips on the filament wiring. Looking for how to try DC filaments on this amp for a test run.