Originally posted by mikepukmel
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All it will protect is your home fuse

250W into a load has tons of burning power, even exploding power if you, say, have a shorted diode or upside down capacitor or have set amp to 110V on a 220V line or ......
Start way smaller, such as 40/60W , until you are reasonably certain things are fine.
Takes a lot of the edge out of the prayer "I hope it doesn´t blow! ... I hope it doesn´t blow! ... I hope it doesn´t blow! ... "
It also makes less necessary to keep a fire extinguisher nearby.
and then suddenly the current draw will avalanche when nudged up a little further. Things happen quickly - sometimes too quickly to catch. A bulb will light up much quicker than my DMM/eye/brain/hand response in turning the dial back on a variac.
I mean MY "equipment", specially the 65 y.o. wet CPU.
Can´t call micro-processor a soft wet worn thingie weighing about 3 pounds with a clock speed of 50 to 100 Hz ... on a good day
