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New Valco Output Transformer - 6V6 Push Pull - National 1224

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  • New Valco Output Transformer - 6V6 Push Pull - National 1224

    Recently purchased a National (Valco) push pull 6V6 amp and the twin 6" x 11" oval speakers. The speakers have seen better days ; They still work but by the sound of it, they are very worn and have a tiny bit of coil rub just starting.

    I want to use the 6" x 9" Vintage 47 speakers that are available as a retrofit for Valco amps using those oval Rolas. The Rola speakers are 4 ohms and run in parallel so you end up with a 2 ohm output transformer as an original.

    Here are the speakers :

    To make matters worse though, the stock output transformer is riveted to one of the original speakers, and I am hesitant on drilling it out the original rivets to reuse the output transformer with the new 4 ohm speakers. Running the new speakers in parallel is ok (2 ohms), but I was thinking about using another transformer all together and fully preserve the original speakers and transformer.

    Perhaps an 8 ohm output transformer, and just run the new vintage 47 speakers in series to get 8 ohms.

    Question : Would this transformer be a good choice ?

    If not any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    I tried running a single Jensen C12R reissue with this amp, and it sounds far too bright compared to the original oval Rola speakers, and I am hoping the Vintage 47 speakers are what the say they are, that is modeled after the original Rolas.

    There is also a problem with shoe horning a decent 10" or 12" speaker into the existing tight combo cabinet. The power transformer is smack in the middle of the chassis and hangs down interfering with a single speaker magnet, hence the need to have the amp stay a twin so the two speaker magnets will clear the transformer.

    Thanks for your help !!!
    Last edited by HaroldBrooks; 06-02-2019, 09:55 PM.
    " Things change, not always for the better. " - Leo_Gnardo

  • #2
    Why not have the originals reconed? Have you called Weber? If they won’t do it they could probably recommend someone. I know the kits exist. Probably cost less than the replacements.


    • #3
      I will call Weber, but I've never seen a recone kit after quite an extensive search and heard of many owner in my same boat.

      The 6" x 11" Rola is an odd one, and the only thing I've found even close is a Grundig speaker, and those are original ancient 1950's speakers, just like the Rolas with no other peers.

      Thanks though for putting the idea in my head, and I will definitely call Weber to see if they can help, but somehow I don't think they can based on what I've found out so far.

      If they can't help with a recone, I am left using the Vintage 47 speakers and another new output transformer.
      " Things change, not always for the better. " - Leo_Gnardo


      • #4
        I vote for recone. I use here in Florida. Carl does nice work. Also, it should be said that the maker of Classic Tone, Magnetic Components, was the supplier for Valco transformers for a period, and they are making them from the original spec sheets.
        It's weird, because it WAS working fine.....


        • #5
          Originally posted by Randall View Post
          I vote for recone. I use here in Florida. Carl does nice work. Also, it should be said that the maker of Classic Tone, Magnetic Components, was the supplier for Valco transformers for a period, and they are making them from the original spec sheets.
          I would like to have the original speakers re-coned very much, and would pay a premium to have that done, but it doesn't look like anyone has those cones, or the facility to fix the voice coils. The speakers work, but I believe the voice coils have seen better days.

          They are an 'off' size, approx. 7" x 11" (Not 6" x 9"). I've seen ancient Telefunken and one other German speaker in that size, but no new ones, and no re-cone kits. For some reason the Rola ovals were abandoned, and I an not sure why considering the large amount of amps Valco sold with those speakers in the 1950's and just touching on the early 60's.

          I will give them a call, but I amp doubtful going in...

          Thank you very much for your help Randall, in any event !
          " Things change, not always for the better. " - Leo_Gnardo


          • #6
            Weber do a 6 x 9 and they probably have recone parts for these (although nothing listed on their website). Email Brian Spane at Weber (their speaker parts guy).
            Building a better world (one tube amp at a time)

            "I have never had to invoke a formula to fight oscillation in a guitar amp."- Enzo

