Anybody ever taken the time to measure the exact dimentions of a Brass Gounding Plate for Pre CBS Deluxe Reverb? Or the degree of bend?
I can get access to one, and could probably measure it fairly well without removing it. Just being lazy.
The reason is because I built a Mojo DR kit and after having finished other projects, decided to go back and use the Brass Plate like the original. Due to my quality of build, the amp sounds excellent without it, but I was considering it more for looks. be really lazy, does anyone know where I can buy one pre-fabed? Sized, bent, without holes is OK too.
Thanks for the consideration.
I can get access to one, and could probably measure it fairly well without removing it. Just being lazy.
The reason is because I built a Mojo DR kit and after having finished other projects, decided to go back and use the Brass Plate like the original. Due to my quality of build, the amp sounds excellent without it, but I was considering it more for looks. be really lazy, does anyone know where I can buy one pre-fabed? Sized, bent, without holes is OK too.
Thanks for the consideration.