Hello. Have a 12au7 CF supplied at 400V (hk peak 180v). Biased at -9V in direct coupling configuration the cathodes are at 200V in respect with the ground. Have 100V available to elevate the heaters to keep h-k spot on.
Do you think may be a problem to elevate the heaters so high please ?
Note the CF heaters are supplied from separate 6.3V winding used only for CF so voltage elevation will not affect the rest of circuit which is supplied from different 6.3V rail please
So there is a practical max limit or I may raise the heater bias as much as 200V to do the hk offset none as time I use a separate heater winding please ?
Do you think may be a problem to elevate the heaters so high please ?
Note the CF heaters are supplied from separate 6.3V winding used only for CF so voltage elevation will not affect the rest of circuit which is supplied from different 6.3V rail please
So there is a practical max limit or I may raise the heater bias as much as 200V to do the hk offset none as time I use a separate heater winding please ?