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deWalt router fail- help!

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  • deWalt router fail- help!

    Chaps- dw621 router failed, vv occasional signs of life.

    Switch, brushes checked & fine (new brushes/ connect across armature fine). Next along chain: Im eying the control unit (& fallible part, according to dw621 www spiel).

    I want to bypass this control unit to test it works without it- any ideas how to do this?

    thanks SC.

  • #2
    My V mark (in focus) is where the two body terminals join the control unit terminals (other V mark, on end of this sticky-up control unit section).


    • #3
      I have heard of these having the speed control disk break away up top and the router then runs until it loses the signal from the disks rotation. A couple people have re-glued the disk to the shaft with high quality epoxy and allow to cure 24h and had it work well. If its an internal problem with the speed control unit its >$100 to get a replacement


      • #4
        You mean the wheel dial? that's physically fine.

        I dont neccesarily mind if I have to spend $100 on a new speed control unit. The trouble is I dont know it is the control unit, so there's no point going to buy a spare. It could be the field section, or the armature.

        I just need help to diagnose/ to narrow down & trace where the prob lies.

        Does anyone have knowledge of the simple (as it seemingly is) basic anatomy of a router?


        • #5
          see this

          the speed control reads the rotation of a disk at the top of the shaft (a magnet), and it sometimes breaks loose.

          You may not have all the melted plastic this guy saw.

          One of the comments at the bottom of this link managed to bypass the control unit:

          see also here:

          people really like these
          Last edited by tedmich; 12-16-2015, 08:18 PM.


          • #6
            tedmick- Ive fixed it.. major MAJOR wall's bangers fingers crossed.

            Thank you so much for your time- and those links/ I did see the melted placcy chap.

            What was it? I dont know! but I ripped it apart, prized off the top (magnet bit apparantly) which Ive minor damaged very top of 5mm shaft of/ can glue back I hope, then peered and scratched my head and shook my head, fiddled a bot scratched a few contacts (i hope this was it!!) and put back together.

            Voila! no sign of anyhthing even intermittant, all speeds work, smooth start.

            A Wall's banger is a english household brand name for fat, bit-crappy run of the mill bangers (sausages). So there.



            • #7
              No problemo Sea Chef !

              The speed units are known to F up intermittently before failing, at which point you can replace ($90) or bypass.


              • #8
                Oh Christ I hope the speed control unit doesnt fk up.. Ive been trying for 2 days to figure out how to bypass it on another forum.. I came here as a refuge!

                So would you know how to bypass one?


                • #9
                  I haven't done it, its basically dropping a triac speed control out but people are reticent about giving a step-by-step because on a big router the soft start will also be bypassed and the thing will come on full rpm (likely faster than any variable setting) with hellish torque. A repair shop may do it for you, but burn that bridge when you come to it...


                  • #10
                    Good point- Im only tempting fate by asking. Yes I realise will come on full whack, but if only for a sec or 2/ worth it.

                    I hope you wont see another thread tmrw.. Ive got a fair bit of work to do today with it, so I'll know by end of if ok or still nedds attn.

                    Appreciate your time tedmich, SC.


                    • #11
                      2 hours with it today- good as gold! cheers SC

