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Bridging PA inputs to create overdrive

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  • Bridging PA inputs to create overdrive

    I have an old Traynor Tube PA system that I want to convert to a guitar amp. Is it possible/logical to run the output from the first channel into the input of the second channel to create an overdrive, or am I just going to make noise and fry things?
    Or is there something (i.e. resistors or the like) that could be added to make it work?
    Thanks for any advice.

  • #2
    Does it have a model no.? It will be easier to advise once we know what we're dealing with.

    Bridging inputs (in parallel) is typically quite different to feeding to feeding the output of one amp/channel into another (in series). Bridging inputs (parallel) is usually safe enough, you might get a thicker sound (as long as the 2 channels are in phase), but not necessarily a more overdriven sound.

    Taking the output of one channel & feeding into the other might be more complicated (you don't want to run a tube power amp into no speaker load) would you be thinking of achieving this?

    Some so called PA amps are just guitar amps with a different badge, others are aimed more at lower distortion & the use of, we need more info.


    • #3
      Is it a YVM-1 Voicemaster? 4 channel, 1/4" input, tube PA? I'm betting, yes it is?

      Yorkville Sound: Vintage Traynor

      Running one channel into another? I'd, not without circuit modification. It doesn't seem to have any individual channel line outs...or inserts, either pre- or post-EQ/volume. It does claim to have a "pre-out and -in", but it's actually a pre-out, power-amp in that would be common to all 4 channels, and I don't see a switch or level knobs to put any particular channel in or out of that loop. That means you can't route one particular signal out the pre and back into a different channel.

      If you tried that, say, you're plugged into channel 1. You would take a cable from the pre-out, break the circuit to the power section, and plug it into channel 2. Well, channel 2 is now ALSO going out the pre-out, along with channel 1, and back into itself. But the circuit to the power amp is still disconnected. So, since you already have the pre-out jack going to channel 2, you now have no way to get it back to the power amp in jack. You could cause some real mayhem, and "Y" the pre-out to channel 2 from one plug, and to power-amp in from the other. I'd imagine all kinds of nasty, because you have channel 1 feeding channel 2, and channel 2 feeding itself in a runaway loop. (Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that! Just in case you were thinking of something like may want to un-think it!)

      The first thing I pulled up was the following, and had me confused about the lack of a loop. (no pre-out)

      I'm guessing the the following is more correct? (updated, with pre-out)

      Whatever you do, DO NOT run a speaker out to an input...or you will likely enjoy a nice show! I'm guessing you weren't considering that.

      All hope may not be lost, however. There may be a way to internally modify the thing so one channel feeds another, but that's for more seasoned minds than mine.

      You could just turn down the Master, "Y" a couple channel inputs, crank them up, slowly turn up the Master...and see what happens. Or, just use a pedal...or two.

      And yes, anytime you run one channel into another, or add gain stages, you will get more noise. It's a fact of life.

      Have fun,



      • #4
        You guys are amazing. You are right. It is a YVM-1 Voicemaster. I really like the idea of "Y"ing a couple of the channel inputs. That makes sense to me.
        Is the YVM-1 Voicemaster one of the PAs that is simply a guitar amp with a different label stuck on it?
        That would be wonderful!


        • #5
          "Is the YVM-1 Voicemaster one of the PAs that is simply a guitar amp with a different label stuck on it?
          That would be wonderful!" Not quite, but plug a guitar in & see what you get.

          Print off the schematic from Schematic Heaven - FREE Amp Schematics Tube Amp Schematics Valve Amp Schematics Effect Schematics Effect Pedal Schematics Guitar Amp Schematics Bass Amp Schematics Fender Amp Schematics Marshall Amp Schematics Gibson Amp Schematics Vox Amp Schematics

