Originally posted by KingCameron
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There is the Fender '63 standalone RI ground return path isolation set-up you could try in the reverb unit (back-to-back 6A diodes in parallel with a 10R (or was that 100R?) FP resistor and a high-voltage .1uF cap - all between the reverb unit's ground return path and the chassis). I haven't tried this yet, because the amp I mainly use my reverb unit with seems to have a ground potential that almost perfectly matches the reverb unit's, and there is very little hum (altho' there is some).
Another possibility I wondered about a while back, was whether you could use a hum balance pot canceller (like a heater hum balance pot canceller) with its own earth connection between a split in the signal cable shield of the cable connecting the two amps, but nobody around here thinks that would work, so I didn't bother trying it. (I was imagining that the pot could be used to equalise the chassis ground potentials)
If its not ground loop hum, it could be other hum (bad internal grounding, bad tube, etc)