I've been trying to trace down a problem with my 5e3 build. The original problem I was running down was a lot of background noise, like white noise when the volume is anything other than zero. In doing so I find I'm not getting the DC voltages I'd expect at the first filter cap (A). I've found that with 5y3 rectifier and no tubes in I get about 370 vDC. If I put in the preamp and PI it stays pretty close to same value. When I put in the 6v6 tubes I get a reading of only about 252 vDC. This drop isn't normal is it? If I measure as I switch it on with all tubes in, measured at first filter cap (A) it runs up quickly to 370v then after a few seconds it starts dropping and settles down around 252v. When I turn it off voltage drops to near zero within a second or two.
If this is consistent with some kind of leakage how do I go about pinning it down. I don't think it's bad filter caps. They seem to hold a charge as long as the 6v6s are not installed. I've been through the wiring a dozen times, pulling leads to check resistors, resolder, swaping parts, etc.
It is based on Weber 5e3 layout and schematic which is true to original Fender Deluxe. The chassis and board are diy. Components are from weber. Xformers and tubes are vintage and test appropriate to this build.
If this is consistent with some kind of leakage how do I go about pinning it down. I don't think it's bad filter caps. They seem to hold a charge as long as the 6v6s are not installed. I've been through the wiring a dozen times, pulling leads to check resistors, resolder, swaping parts, etc.
It is based on Weber 5e3 layout and schematic which is true to original Fender Deluxe. The chassis and board are diy. Components are from weber. Xformers and tubes are vintage and test appropriate to this build.