I just finished a homebrew and am still tweaking it a bit. Preamp is a 6SL7 into a EL34 set up as a triode and a solid state rectifier. One volume control between the triodes. Real simple set up.
I have a real bad power supply hum, even with volume turned down. I carefully star grounded the amp and isolated the input and output jacks. My only PS cap is a JJ 40/20/20/20 multisection cap top mounted to the chassis. I chose this because space was at a premium. I used one of the smaller hammond chassis for this project. I've used LCR dual caps a few times in the past with little problems, but I've read that multisection filter caps are prone to hum issues. Could this be the source of my hum? I've built a number of similar small amps in a similar fashion and haven't encountered this type of hum issue, but it's the first time I've used a four section cap.
I've thought of a possible fix, assuming the multisection cap is the problem. I thought I'd parallel all the sections together to give me 100uf on the plate supply. I have just enough room on the preamp side of the amp to add up to two Sprague Atom 22uf caps that I could used for the preamp supply. Before I start shoe horning these in, I'd like to hear other opinions.
I have a real bad power supply hum, even with volume turned down. I carefully star grounded the amp and isolated the input and output jacks. My only PS cap is a JJ 40/20/20/20 multisection cap top mounted to the chassis. I chose this because space was at a premium. I used one of the smaller hammond chassis for this project. I've used LCR dual caps a few times in the past with little problems, but I've read that multisection filter caps are prone to hum issues. Could this be the source of my hum? I've built a number of similar small amps in a similar fashion and haven't encountered this type of hum issue, but it's the first time I've used a four section cap.
I've thought of a possible fix, assuming the multisection cap is the problem. I thought I'd parallel all the sections together to give me 100uf on the plate supply. I have just enough room on the preamp side of the amp to add up to two Sprague Atom 22uf caps that I could used for the preamp supply. Before I start shoe horning these in, I'd like to hear other opinions.