OK, got the "spitty" thing worked out (forgot to install a grid stopper
Here's another question regarding the same amp. Screen voltage is about 2 volts above Plate voltage (once again I am at work and forgot to bring my notes so can't quote exact voltages). I've got a 3H choke between the filter cap supplying the plate (40uf) and the one supplying the screen (20uf). Would it be best for me to install a 500-1K resistor between the present screen supply point and the subsequent filters adding another 20uf filter cap and take the supply off the new filter, or can I just put the new resistor in series with the choke going to the second filter?
Going from memory, measuring voltage from cathode to ground I get 38volts, plate to ground I get 474volts and screen to ground is 476volts. The amp is cathode biased.

Here's another question regarding the same amp. Screen voltage is about 2 volts above Plate voltage (once again I am at work and forgot to bring my notes so can't quote exact voltages). I've got a 3H choke between the filter cap supplying the plate (40uf) and the one supplying the screen (20uf). Would it be best for me to install a 500-1K resistor between the present screen supply point and the subsequent filters adding another 20uf filter cap and take the supply off the new filter, or can I just put the new resistor in series with the choke going to the second filter?
Going from memory, measuring voltage from cathode to ground I get 38volts, plate to ground I get 474volts and screen to ground is 476volts. The amp is cathode biased.