I've build a 5f1 going from ceriatones layout
I've gone over and over but something is not right. It is built from junk parts new caps new resitors.
on the rectifier no tube pins 3 getting 305 VAC pin 6 305 VAC
5Y3 inserted on pin2 405 volts and pin8 423 volts
6v6 pin3 406 pin4 374
12AT7 pin1 160 pin6 153
Amp sounds like crap with low volume, want to sub in another OT, but I think the voltages are a preceeding issue. Can anyone steer me in the correct direction?
Power supply caps are 22uf 10 uf 10 uf.
I've gone over and over but something is not right. It is built from junk parts new caps new resitors.
on the rectifier no tube pins 3 getting 305 VAC pin 6 305 VAC
5Y3 inserted on pin2 405 volts and pin8 423 volts
6v6 pin3 406 pin4 374
12AT7 pin1 160 pin6 153
Amp sounds like crap with low volume, want to sub in another OT, but I think the voltages are a preceeding issue. Can anyone steer me in the correct direction?
Power supply caps are 22uf 10 uf 10 uf.