My OT has three outputs for heaters, all 6VAC nominal. One feeds the rectifier through a pair of 0.3ohm resistors to achieve 5VAC. The other two are tied together to produce 12VAC. Then this is split with the 500ohm humdinger to produce two 6VAC outputs for the two power tube filaments, and the 12VAC is used for the three little tubes. Not sure it's really "humdinging" at this point. All I can really do by adjusting it is balance the voltage on the power tubes filaments. Unless I have insufficient heat in the tubes, this should not affect the ability to output a signal as far as I can tell. Nothing is connected to pin 9 on the small tubes. Voltages all measure good and the tube filaments are glowing nicely. I can post a schematic later.
Like I said, this thing is stupidly elaborate. I'm obsessive.
Lots of things were done with the idea of longevity. Like the cermet potentiometers. Pointless as far as tone is concerned, but should last many, many years. I want this thing to be inherited some day.
One thing I wonder about is the coupling caps and polarity. Between the PI and power section is a pair of Mojotone caps which have a polarity on them, but really the two sides are at similar voltages. I put positive toward the power tubes as that seems to be slightly higher voltage than output of PI.
Like I said, this thing is stupidly elaborate. I'm obsessive.
Lots of things were done with the idea of longevity. Like the cermet potentiometers. Pointless as far as tone is concerned, but should last many, many years. I want this thing to be inherited some day.
One thing I wonder about is the coupling caps and polarity. Between the PI and power section is a pair of Mojotone caps which have a polarity on them, but really the two sides are at similar voltages. I put positive toward the power tubes as that seems to be slightly higher voltage than output of PI.