My power has been out all day, and I still have a tree laying on my roof. Just prior to the tree falling I did something really embarrassingly stupid. I found this on another forum. "1/ Change the R40 680k resistor in serie between the oscillator plate and the trem intensity pot with a jumper.
This should resolve most of you problem." The thread was about a Vox Cambridge trem, but the REAL problem is that Instead of jumpering the resistor I jumpered the cap. This OBVIOUSLY sent about 300v DC to the grids of the power tubes, burnt the fuse, and apparently damaged something else, because it now JUST blows fuses. Now I just don't have time to look at it.
This should resolve most of you problem." The thread was about a Vox Cambridge trem, but the REAL problem is that Instead of jumpering the resistor I jumpered the cap. This OBVIOUSLY sent about 300v DC to the grids of the power tubes, burnt the fuse, and apparently damaged something else, because it now JUST blows fuses. Now I just don't have time to look at it.