After finally winning the battle against blocking distortion by direct-coupling the PI, the clean channel of this amp sounds brilliant.
However, the high-gain channel is still nowhere near where I'd like it to be. The distortion begins at an extremely low input level, at which point it has that sort of cheese-grater-on-concrete sound that nobody in their right mind would like. It then gets louder and sounds better with higher input levels and higher volume knob positions.
Am I right to assume that the reason for this is that something is clipping in an extremely asymmetrical manner? Where would this be happening, and why?
However, the high-gain channel is still nowhere near where I'd like it to be. The distortion begins at an extremely low input level, at which point it has that sort of cheese-grater-on-concrete sound that nobody in their right mind would like. It then gets louder and sounds better with higher input levels and higher volume knob positions.
Am I right to assume that the reason for this is that something is clipping in an extremely asymmetrical manner? Where would this be happening, and why?