Thanks for your help. It is 8am here and I won't be able to get to doing this til about 2 or 3 this afternoon, I will do exactly what you recommended, and I will report back.
Now for another newbie question. I haven't done anything detrimental (even if only moderately) have I? I assume that it was operating as if that .0047 cap was just not even there since all the pots were connected directly together and those wires were the points of least resistance--no harm, just no real working tone control. So even though there is continuity through the ground, the vol.'s and tone have to travel through the cap when wired correctly?
Should I notice a significant more amount of bass, or will it just be that I can cut off some of the treble? The bass will stay the same but may seem more prominent if I roll off the treble? If this is the case then I will still be a little surprised as everything I have read seems to suggest that these amps are more middle and woofy than anything--when I compared it to the pro (which, I know has a 15" speaker, among other differences) it sounded more tame like a princeton--not bad, but not tweed.
Now for another newbie question. I haven't done anything detrimental (even if only moderately) have I? I assume that it was operating as if that .0047 cap was just not even there since all the pots were connected directly together and those wires were the points of least resistance--no harm, just no real working tone control. So even though there is continuity through the ground, the vol.'s and tone have to travel through the cap when wired correctly?
Should I notice a significant more amount of bass, or will it just be that I can cut off some of the treble? The bass will stay the same but may seem more prominent if I roll off the treble? If this is the case then I will still be a little surprised as everything I have read seems to suggest that these amps are more middle and woofy than anything--when I compared it to the pro (which, I know has a 15" speaker, among other differences) it sounded more tame like a princeton--not bad, but not tweed.