I've got two homebuild amps in an A/B setup and yesterday I got shocked. Each amp sounds great and is completely noise/hum free when hooked up individualy (guitar directly to the in of the amp) but if I plug the amps to the 'fulltone' passive A/B box I get a nasty hum. Both amps are connected to earth via IEC plug so I thought this could be ground loops caused by the earth in the IEC plug. I disconnected the earth connection from one of the amps and got shocked by the shield of the guitar cable!
Could this be me..wired the L and N in reverse? The amps are in the rehersal and didn't checked that issue.
I've got two homebuild amps in an A/B setup and yesterday I got shocked. Each amp sounds great and is completely noise/hum free when hooked up individualy (guitar directly to the in of the amp) but if I plug the amps to the 'fulltone' passive A/B box I get a nasty hum. Both amps are connected to earth via IEC plug so I thought this could be ground loops caused by the earth in the IEC plug. I disconnected the earth connection from one of the amps and got shocked by the shield of the guitar cable!
Could this be me..wired the L and N in reverse? The amps are in the rehersal and didn't checked that issue.