Howdy, I'm a new member that needs a good tube amp for practice and regular gigging with a guitar-bass-drums-vocals band doing everything from old blues to 60's garageband to R.E.M. and LZ covers.
I prefer the Vox tone/sound. I like plenty of clean headroom, but also want some good tube-based overdrive - I don't care for all the modern extreme-scream distortion stuff at all.
The brand-name stuff is either too expensive for the point-to-point stuff or suspect quality for the printed-board PAC-rim made versions. And the boutique amps might as well cost $20K they're so far out of my range. I mean I play Danelectro guitars if that sums it up.
So, I want to build my own amp. I have built a mandolin and a dreadnought guitar, so I am fairly handy. However, admittedly I'm as dumb as a bag of hammers with regard to electronics. So, I thought the pre-wired components from CeriaTone might be a good way to build my first. I am fortunate to have a electronics engineer cousin to use for some help as well - though with the big modern stuff he works on everyday he might chuckle at the old, quaint vacuum tube technology.
Thought it'd be a good idea to list what I think I want and get input from some experts around here.
Here goes:
1. 30 watt head - figured that'd be min. req'd for gigging. Keep it small if possible. I like how some can be used to practice at only 15 or 18 watts.
2. either one or perhaps two separate relatively small cabinets with only one 12" speaker in each. I thought that would give me ideal portability and flexibility for home, rehearsals, and different gigs. I could use one cabinet or two and even separate them around the stage to widen the sound, etc.
3. As far as speakers and tubes I recognize some names but that's about the extent of my knowledge. What tubes and speakers would be best for lots of clean headroom but tend most towards that classic AC30 tone.
4. Re: channels, controls, etc. Simpler is better to me. I think I'd like a tone control, a volume control, and maybe a master volume if that'd be the best way to use max overdrive of tubes but still be able to play at lower volumes if need be. I don't think I'd care for the bright or presence or other eq-related controls - in fact I might very well just use an EQ pedal anyhow.
5. I like good reverb and tremelo, but if I could get better quality of these effects for the $$ with pedals or some other outboard gear I'd be happy leaving them off the amp.
That's all I can think of at the moment. I'm anxious to hear everyone's advice and opinions. I realize I may have listed some impossibles or mutually-exclusive goals, but that's part of this learning process for me.
I prefer the Vox tone/sound. I like plenty of clean headroom, but also want some good tube-based overdrive - I don't care for all the modern extreme-scream distortion stuff at all.
The brand-name stuff is either too expensive for the point-to-point stuff or suspect quality for the printed-board PAC-rim made versions. And the boutique amps might as well cost $20K they're so far out of my range. I mean I play Danelectro guitars if that sums it up.

So, I want to build my own amp. I have built a mandolin and a dreadnought guitar, so I am fairly handy. However, admittedly I'm as dumb as a bag of hammers with regard to electronics. So, I thought the pre-wired components from CeriaTone might be a good way to build my first. I am fortunate to have a electronics engineer cousin to use for some help as well - though with the big modern stuff he works on everyday he might chuckle at the old, quaint vacuum tube technology.
Thought it'd be a good idea to list what I think I want and get input from some experts around here.
Here goes:
1. 30 watt head - figured that'd be min. req'd for gigging. Keep it small if possible. I like how some can be used to practice at only 15 or 18 watts.
2. either one or perhaps two separate relatively small cabinets with only one 12" speaker in each. I thought that would give me ideal portability and flexibility for home, rehearsals, and different gigs. I could use one cabinet or two and even separate them around the stage to widen the sound, etc.
3. As far as speakers and tubes I recognize some names but that's about the extent of my knowledge. What tubes and speakers would be best for lots of clean headroom but tend most towards that classic AC30 tone.
4. Re: channels, controls, etc. Simpler is better to me. I think I'd like a tone control, a volume control, and maybe a master volume if that'd be the best way to use max overdrive of tubes but still be able to play at lower volumes if need be. I don't think I'd care for the bright or presence or other eq-related controls - in fact I might very well just use an EQ pedal anyhow.
5. I like good reverb and tremelo, but if I could get better quality of these effects for the $$ with pedals or some other outboard gear I'd be happy leaving them off the amp.
That's all I can think of at the moment. I'm anxious to hear everyone's advice and opinions. I realize I may have listed some impossibles or mutually-exclusive goals, but that's part of this learning process for me.