I have a Mission Tweedy Deluxe that I finished building about a month ago. It sounds great, literally so good that I didn't know an amp could sound so good. I have this urge to tinker with it. What if it could be even better?
I'm interested in suggestions for mods.
Mission offers a choke kit, a tone and volume control kit, a humbucker and Paul C kit, and I'm sure there's more. I bought a pair of NOS RCA 6K6GT's to cut the power back for home use. They sound OK, but not as good as the JJ 6V6's that came with the kit. So the 6V6's go back in until I'm in serious trouble about the loudness.
I play jazz and 60's R&B. Primary guitar is a Squire Standard Tele with Fender Original Vintage PU's. Also use an ESP 400 '62 Strat copy with Rio Grandes. Occasionaly use a Vox wah, but no other effects. Normally ply in the bright channel with tone at 12 and volume at 5-6-7 (more or less cranked).
I'm interested in suggestions for mods.
Mission offers a choke kit, a tone and volume control kit, a humbucker and Paul C kit, and I'm sure there's more. I bought a pair of NOS RCA 6K6GT's to cut the power back for home use. They sound OK, but not as good as the JJ 6V6's that came with the kit. So the 6V6's go back in until I'm in serious trouble about the loudness.
I play jazz and 60's R&B. Primary guitar is a Squire Standard Tele with Fender Original Vintage PU's. Also use an ESP 400 '62 Strat copy with Rio Grandes. Occasionaly use a Vox wah, but no other effects. Normally ply in the bright channel with tone at 12 and volume at 5-6-7 (more or less cranked).