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Marsh Amp Fender Super Reverb Kit

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  • Marsh Amp Fender Super Reverb Kit

    I purchased a Marsh Amplification 65 Fender Super Reverb Kit and am in the process of putting it together.

    Sadly, the instructions leave something to be desired, as they appear to be for the Twin Reverb. I end up using the schematic as a guide, which helps make sure my component choices are correct, but I'm having some trouble with the wiring aspect.

    I was sent 30 feet of solid 18 gauge white wire, 3 feet of black stranded wire, 3 feet of white stranded wire, and 10 feet of solid 18 gauge green wire. There's also some solid unshielded wire, which I assume is for the chassis ground. I'm certain I've received everything listed on the manifest.

    The pictures included in the instructions use yellow, red, blue, white, and black wire. The schematic isn't colored, so I'm left guessing about where to use each wire type.

    So far, I've installed all the components into the mainboard and opted to use the solid white 18-gauge wire for the jumpers and the leads to the 6 smaller sockets. The unclear image I have then shows a slightly larger red and yellow pair of wires running to the larger pair of tubes.

    Can anyone provide a picture showing how a 65 Fender Super Reverb is normally wired, or suggest where I might find a colored layout or schematic? Or failing that, simply suggest where I might use the green solid, black stranded, and white stranded wire?

    Also, since this is my first amp, any additional resources (forums, books, websites, etc.) are welcome.

  • #2
    Hey. We had this conversation recently:

    For surethe 18ga green is for your heater circuit. Black should be for grounds and I guess white can be for all else.

    FWIW (not much), I forgot to add, but I found the following tube chassis wiring color scheme in a radio repair text:

    Black -grounds, grounded elements and returns
    Brown - Heaters or filaments, off ground
    Red - power supply b+
    Orange - screen grids
    Yellow - cathodes
    Green - control grids
    Blue - plates
    Violet - neg. power supply
    Gray - AC power lines
    White - Misc, above grond returns, avc, etc.
    Last edited by JHow; 05-30-2010, 08:45 PM.


    • #3
      I would agree that the green wire is for the heaters. I would fold it in the middle and twist it and then cut the lengths needed to wire the 6v heater and pilot lamp circuit. I would guess that the black and white stranded wire is for wiring the speakers and the solid white is for the power and signal circuits. I'm supprised that the white wire is not a smaller guage than the green.


      • #4
        I'll continue using the 18 gauge solid white wire for everything and use the green for the heaters, and the stranded for the speaker connections, as suggested.

        I think part of my confusion is that the picture I have contains wires that come directly from the power supply, I believe.

        Thanks for the suggestions!


        • #5
          Any reason you are not asking these same questions to the people you bought the kit from?
          Last time I heard the Marsh Amp kits were actually MOJO kits, simply resold by Marsh.
          If so, maybe you can find out some more info from MOJO too.

          Mission Amps
          Denver, CO. 80022



          • #6
            Yep, the Marsh instructions are sort of generic, and the photos don't exactly match the parts in the kit. He doesn't include various colored wire to match. My advice is to go online and get some colored wire to suit. 22 gauge solid core is the standard for most wiring. 18 gauge solid core is typical for the heater filaments. 14 or 16 gauge stranded wire for the speakers. Lots of sources for wire....antique electronics and Weber speakers are two that I've used.


            • #7

              Yea,I agree about the Marsh kit,Directions were poor,I had all the same problems,My amp is a twin reverb and its done but its to noisey to play at this time.I just finished a a express tw build from TAG foremn,Works great and I found a great shematic to use.This was a much better experience.Hows your amp going,Mikey


              • #8
                Go to and download the Super Reverb AB763 schematic. It has the layout with the wire colors marked on it.


                • #9

                  Willdo,Thanks Bro,Mikey


                  • #10
                    It's been a month since this last post, have you resolved your problems as yet?
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