Hi all.
My name is Peter and I am new to the site. I am not exactly sure how I stumbled on to this site, but I know it had to do with KOC and his London Power/TUT stuff. Here is the link I found -> http://music-electronics-forum.com/t244/
I am a software engineer by trade and a guitar player when I have time. The amp I have in possession is the (GT)Groove Tube D-75 and the (GT)Groove Tube Trio. Both are out of production
and both a extremely grrreat
. Love the sound I can get from it. My interest in building an amp is when I decided I need a back up. That is when I began my search. The only thing that satisfy my taste will be something similar to the Groove Tube. KOC provides the best possible answer imo.
Objective #1: Build a Pre-amp. 3 channel, switchable. Just like the GT Trio
My plan is to build a rack mount Pre-Amp from KOC London Power kits.
I expect this to take about 6 months. As time goes by, I will update.
FYI. KOC no longer sells the Standard. It is way over my head to do something that complex as my first build.
Bought the Quad, L-Pre, Z-Pre, Power Amp, and Line

Started to put them together.

Is this from the movie Iron Man?

Trying to mimic the Trio was a bad idea. I bought the exact same size Rack Mount chassis as the Trio and it turns out to be too small.
My name is Peter and I am new to the site. I am not exactly sure how I stumbled on to this site, but I know it had to do with KOC and his London Power/TUT stuff. Here is the link I found -> http://music-electronics-forum.com/t244/
I am a software engineer by trade and a guitar player when I have time. The amp I have in possession is the (GT)Groove Tube D-75 and the (GT)Groove Tube Trio. Both are out of production

Objective #1: Build a Pre-amp. 3 channel, switchable. Just like the GT Trio
My plan is to build a rack mount Pre-Amp from KOC London Power kits.
I expect this to take about 6 months. As time goes by, I will update.
FYI. KOC no longer sells the Standard. It is way over my head to do something that complex as my first build.
Bought the Quad, L-Pre, Z-Pre, Power Amp, and Line

Started to put them together.

Is this from the movie Iron Man?

Trying to mimic the Trio was a bad idea. I bought the exact same size Rack Mount chassis as the Trio and it turns out to be too small.
