In Aug-2010, I built an Allen Accomplice, which is based on a BF Fender Deluxe. It was great fun to build, and David Allen was friendly, prompt and helpful over email. Here are some photos:
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My Allen Accomplice build
Nice looking amp! Do you have any pictures of the top of the chassis with the transformers? How do you like the features of the amp?WARNING! Musical Instrument amplifiers contain lethal voltages and can retain them even when unplugged. Refer service to qualified personnel.
REMEMBER: Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school !
Thanks loudthud. I like this amp alot. It is based on a BF Deluxe, but with only one channel and no tremolo. Here are some of the cool features:
- It is really quiet. That's not a feature, but it makes everything else work better...
- Great reverb, with reverb tone control.
- MV that works well
- RAW pot that takes out the tone circuit. With the RAW on 10, the tone circuit is bypassed to give a lot more mids and a lot more gain. I usually set the RAW on 2.
- takes 6V6s or 6L6s. Mine has JJ 6V6s in it at the moment
- external bias jacks and pot.
I will probably try adding the following at some point:
- push-pull pot to switch the cathode bypass cap(s). I have one such three-way toggle on another amp that I use quite a bit, and Fargen has one that he calls a 'decade' switch on his mini plex.
- toying with the idea of replacing the reverb tone pot with a presence control.
I'll add some photos of the trannies and tubes shortly.
Originally posted by tubeswell View PostNice faceplate. Is that screen-printed ally? or...?
Originally posted by stormbringer View PostI don't have an electronic version of the schematic, and I didn't find any online. Sorry. Let me know if you have any specific questions.
I suspect designers of tube amp kits probably don't want their designs shared online. I don't know how I feel about that...
Could you maybe compare it to some of the layouts on the weber site?
They show Schematics and Layouts, maybe there is something real similar.
Weber Amplifier Kits
TerryLast edited by big_teee; 09-20-2011, 03:06 AM."If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill
Originally posted by big_teee View PostYou paid the price, It's your decision whether to make it public.
Could you maybe compare it to some of the layouts on the weber site?
They show Schematics and Layouts, maybe there is something real similar.
Weber Amplifier Kits
I"m not too familiar with the Weber kits at the moment (they have so many; I'll love through the list soon). The Accomplice is similar to the AB763 blackface Deluxe Reverb (schematics available everywhere). Some differences are:
- AA has 12AX7 for phase inverter and reverb driver, Deluxe uses 12AT7 for these
- AA has mid control and a 'raw' control in the tone stack. The latter takes out the tone stack.
- AA has only one input and one channel; no tremolo
- AA has external adjustable bias points and pot; don't know about deluxe
Other AA features:
- star ground near input
- can swap out 6V6 with 6L6
- can get two different OTs
- master volume
Cheers, John
Thanks John:
I've been Looking over the Weber 6A14.
It has several versions.
A 6v6 or a 6l6 version.
They don't have the raw control.
Here's the 6V6 Version with the 10 inch speaker Combo or head.
It looks a little like your amp.
I just built a Marshall Clone, may see if I can rassle a Weber with Tremelo and Reverb.
Terry"If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill
Originally posted by big_teee View PostThanks John:
I've been Looking over the Weber 6A14.
It has several versions.
A 6v6 or a 6l6 version.
They don't have the raw control.
Here's the 6V6 Version with the 10 inch speaker Combo or head.
It looks a little like your amp.
I just built a Marshall Clone, may see if I can rassle a Weber with Tremelo and Reverb.
TerryLast edited by stormbringer; 09-21-2011, 01:31 AM.
Originally posted by scole View Postid like to know where the ground points are, and also how the master vol and raw control are wired.
My raw control is identical.
On the Encore and Accomplice, most signal grounds go directly to the star ground. The cathodes of V1a, V1b, and V2 are tied together and sent to star under the board (similar to rightmost ground wire on the partial encore layout). V3 cathodes are tied together and sent to star. MV ground goes to star. Two of the three 20 uF filter caps are sent to the star ground, while the other 20 uF filter cap is grounded on one of the PT bolts. The first filter cap (40 uF) is grounded on another one of the PT bolts.
I've added a higher-res version of one of the photos.
Last edited by stormbringer; 09-21-2011, 02:31 AM.
Originally posted by stormbringer View Post[ATTACH=CONFIG]15397[/ATTACH]
I found part of an Allen Encore layout online that shows the raw pot and the location of the main star ground near the input: raw control wiring - Hoffman Ampifiers Guitar Tube amp forum
My raw control is identical.
On the Encore and Accomplice, most signal grounds go directly to the star ground. The cathodes of V1a, V1b, and V2 are tied together and sent to star under the board (similar to rightmost ground wire on the partial encore layout). V3 cathodes are tied together and sent to star. MV ground goes to star. Two of the three 20 uF filter caps are sent to the star ground, while the other 20 uF filter cap is grounded on one of the PT bolts. The first filter cap (40 uF) is grounded on another one of the PT bolts.
I've added a higher-res version of one of the photos.
B_T"If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill