I am new to the forum, but have already learned a great deal from many of you. I have completed my first 5E3 build and have run into a strange problem.
The amp is virtually silent with no guitar plugged in. Almost no hum, and a little white noise with volume & tone at 12. So far so good. Plugging in a guitar, any guitar, and I get a loud buzz that increases with volume, and more so as the tone knob is increased. Much more noticable on the two #1 inputs. Touching the guitar strings, quiets it a little, but does not eliminate the buzz. It is not the guitar, cable, or any of the tubes, as all have been swapped, and the buzz persists. I have used the Hoffman buss bar grounding scheme, and checked grounds which seem solid on the DVM. I am wondering if either or both of the tone caps ( 500pf & 0047uf) being bad could cause this. I have no way of checking those caps. All resistors read the correct value. Seems like a grounding issue, possibly at the input jacks, but they check out O.K. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks much.
The amp is virtually silent with no guitar plugged in. Almost no hum, and a little white noise with volume & tone at 12. So far so good. Plugging in a guitar, any guitar, and I get a loud buzz that increases with volume, and more so as the tone knob is increased. Much more noticable on the two #1 inputs. Touching the guitar strings, quiets it a little, but does not eliminate the buzz. It is not the guitar, cable, or any of the tubes, as all have been swapped, and the buzz persists. I have used the Hoffman buss bar grounding scheme, and checked grounds which seem solid on the DVM. I am wondering if either or both of the tone caps ( 500pf & 0047uf) being bad could cause this. I have no way of checking those caps. All resistors read the correct value. Seems like a grounding issue, possibly at the input jacks, but they check out O.K. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks much.