I'm all stoked, after a month, I've got my transformers! Ipve pretty much built this from scratch, the Chassis was from ebay, I built the cabinet from scratch, finger jointed pine, tweeded myself with two coats of amber shelac.
there is a sag in the grill cloth that I need to tidy up, but the remainder seems
Tonight, I'm going to be putting them in the chassis, and powering things up.
I have two things I'm wanting to do before I finish, first is a half power switch, which I've copied from this forum, Geezer's circuit diagram.
I'd like to know if the 100k & 330ohm resistors need be anything other than 1/2 watt, as the two bias resistors are going to be 5w each?
Secondly, I just would like to check on a the power up procedure.
I have this in mind, and correct me if I'm wrong;
Power up without tubes, check heater voltage,
Install rectifier and check voltage A, B and C voltages (working from Weber's circuit diagram),
then install the tubes and check idle current on power tubes.
Lastly, when checking the voltages, are both the volume's set to full with no input?
there is a sag in the grill cloth that I need to tidy up, but the remainder seems
Tonight, I'm going to be putting them in the chassis, and powering things up.
I have two things I'm wanting to do before I finish, first is a half power switch, which I've copied from this forum, Geezer's circuit diagram.
I'd like to know if the 100k & 330ohm resistors need be anything other than 1/2 watt, as the two bias resistors are going to be 5w each?
Secondly, I just would like to check on a the power up procedure.
I have this in mind, and correct me if I'm wrong;
Power up without tubes, check heater voltage,
Install rectifier and check voltage A, B and C voltages (working from Weber's circuit diagram),
then install the tubes and check idle current on power tubes.
Lastly, when checking the voltages, are both the volume's set to full with no input?