From the previous post... I changed out the PT in my 5E3 to a Heyboer 320-0-320, 150 mA and also changed to fixed bias. ( That has it's own set of issues, haha)
My voltages were 454, 443, & 307 prior to inserting the tubes (6L6WGC). After insertnig the tubes to voltages fell to 385, 370, & 258.
Is this normal? What are typical voltages?? I have looked through a lot of blogs and reference material but none have answered my question.
I need to know which voltage to reference when biasing the tubes. I am assuming the "in circuit" voltage is the one. When I go that high (47mA says Webers Bias Calculator) I get a bad hum.
Please help!!!
My voltages were 454, 443, & 307 prior to inserting the tubes (6L6WGC). After insertnig the tubes to voltages fell to 385, 370, & 258.
Is this normal? What are typical voltages?? I have looked through a lot of blogs and reference material but none have answered my question.
I need to know which voltage to reference when biasing the tubes. I am assuming the "in circuit" voltage is the one. When I go that high (47mA says Webers Bias Calculator) I get a bad hum.
Please help!!!