First time poster here. I have lurked a little bit in the past and have found a lot of good info towards building my own Tweed Deluxe.
When I first got the bug to build my own amp, I seriously considered a kit. The more I researched and studied, the more I wanted to do my own design. I guess I ended up splitting the difference, building a 5E3 clone but doing it from scratch... kind of..... I have the cabinet started and the electronic parts should start arriving tomorrow. I did cheat a little and ordered the small parts kit from Mojotone. All the rest of the knick nacks are from here and there.
I will photo this entire build. So far the most challenging tasks have been building my own box joint jig for my router table and to a lesser degree my own circle/radius jig for the router table. I love woodworking so the cabinet build has been a pleasure so far. I know the box joint jig does not look like much but it is made using a digital caliper and its accuracy was pretty good. The limiting factor is the sloppy miter guage channel on by Delta Shaper/router table. Even my high end table saw miter guage is less than can be desired in this channel. One of the worst purchases I ever made but that is another story.
Thanks to all here for posting and sharing so much great info and understanding the addiction and obsession that we all share.