Hi everybody. This is my first post here. It looks like a great forum. I am in the process of completing my first amplifier build, but I am experiencing some problems. I am hoping somebody on here with more experience has some ideas. The kit I chose was the TubeDepot kit. I figured it was a good starting point for a beginner. Here is the layout.
The problem is, the amp is perfectly clean all the way up. It simply does not sound like a 5e3. It gets plenty of volume, and the clean is beautiful, but I am looking for that raunchy 5e3 sound. Also, I discovered something that concerns me and took a video of it. If I have the bright volume at 12 and get the normal volume up around 8, one of the power tubes does something strange.
Here is a picture of my build.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am happy to post voltage readings if anyone is interested.
The problem is, the amp is perfectly clean all the way up. It simply does not sound like a 5e3. It gets plenty of volume, and the clean is beautiful, but I am looking for that raunchy 5e3 sound. Also, I discovered something that concerns me and took a video of it. If I have the bright volume at 12 and get the normal volume up around 8, one of the power tubes does something strange.
Here is a picture of my build.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am happy to post voltage readings if anyone is interested.