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Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
If you want one custom-made there's a few places on the web (Weber for one) that makes 'em, but one-offs tend to be pricey.
If you're looking for the "Fender Deluxe, Fullerton, California" type, check with John Sprung at "Parts is Parts". A few other places like Ampwares also sells them.
IIRC you can also get the fender repro badges from Antique Electronic Supply / CE-Distribution.
"Stand back, I'm holding a calculator." - chinrest
"I happen to have an original 1955 Stratocaster! The neck and body have been replaced with top quality Warmoth parts, I upgraded the hardware and put in custom, hand wound pickups. It's fabulous. There's nothing like that vintage tone or owning an original." - Chuck H
Bummer - I'm not able to find the script Fender Deluxe logo anywhere.
Being that this is a Mission Kit, I am emailing a request to them again to see if they will sell me one of their own.
Thanks for the help,
Hey Greg send me a picture of your 5E3 amp.
A lot of guys had been and are still using brush script or a modified version of Brush Script but, about 15 or so years ago, friend of mine in the vintage amp building and restoration biz turned me on to an old commercial artists gummer from the 50's who says he was the original lettering art designer for Fender and there was no such thing as brush script in those days... his claim was the trademark "Fender" script was custom drawn by him and he also did the slightly more modern 50's version of the Coca Cola script.
Of course you have to understand, that conversation is hearsay and I don't know if it was true... but after talking to him, he convinced me.
Here is a pic of part of the amp (not much of it, mind you) from a recent round of ebay-ing. This amp was unprominently featured in about 15 auctions I had going last week. It really spruced up pics for the junk/parts and pedals I was selling. Much cooler than taking a pic of a pedal sitting on carpet.
The amp is really nice. I made it for a friend several years ago and recently bought it back from him.
After swapping the Jensen P12Q for a Celestion G12H, I am loving it. I've also put in RCA 6V6's and a GE 12AX7, but would like to upgrade the EH 12AY7. Do you have any opinon on which NOS brands would be considered tops? I haven't done any research on that particular tube yet.
Steve, that is just what the guy told me... I never researched the history of brush script at all.
Regardless, Brush script seems to work well enough for a lot folks.
I am still in need of that logo, if I can buy one. I suppose "need" is too strong of a word, but it would be great! I can send more pics if you need to verify that it is, in fact, a Mission - just let me know what would be the telltale shot would be.