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Sovtek rectifier usable??

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  • Sovtek rectifier usable??

    so i bought a triode elec kit and a sovtek rectifier tube. now i read that they don't dissapate the proper voltage the way NOS do. Any way to compensate for this so i don't have to go out and buy another rectifier tube?? i may replace it later but now i just want to build and play!!

  • #2
    First thing is to see what plate voltage you get (depends on what B+ the PT puts out), anything under 385vdc (plate to ground) should be fine with the stock circuit, if you get a little over this try a 300-330ohm 5W cathode resistor.


    • #3
      399 plate to ground. so is this a better option than a string of 10v zeners of the PT center tap?


      • #4
        ordered an nos 5y3gt so that should help. got er build and sounds great. only thing is that the PT gets hot, hope the nos rect will help but is it normal for these to get hot to the touch?


        • #5
          You can go either the Zener route, or up the cathode resistor, either are valid. Late Tweed deluxes might run the same voltage as you have now (it will rise again when you change cathode resistors, expect the 6V6s to be dissipating 14W), earlier ones may run 20-30v less with the stock cathode resistors. It's your call.

          NOS rectifier would be the first port of call.

          How hot is too hot? Hot to the touch and hot enough to cause a failure are a long way apart. I would say that if it's way too hot to touch after 20 minutes at idle, it might be worth looking at ways to bring down the load on the PT.


          • #6
            thanks, we'll see how the NOS tube does

            just have to say that this amp is amazing. i didn't know a guitar amp could sound this good. i had a reissue deluxe reverb and it sounds flat compared to this amp. the f'ing thing is alive.

