Pin 1 & 2 on the 6V6 are joined & grounded to the lug near the 12AX7.
There was a bit of wire sticking out the back of pin 1 so it looks like it's part of the cathode resistor wire which is connected to pin 8 only.
I just measured the 470 Ohm cathode resistor & it's measuring 750ohms!!
Not sure how it could be that far out of whack but I'll order some 470's &
check the current again. With 750 ohm, this would mean the amp is under biased right??
There was a bit of wire sticking out the back of pin 1 so it looks like it's part of the cathode resistor wire which is connected to pin 8 only.
I just measured the 470 Ohm cathode resistor & it's measuring 750ohms!!
Not sure how it could be that far out of whack but I'll order some 470's &
check the current again. With 750 ohm, this would mean the amp is under biased right??