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Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
Hi all,my.first post here. I got finished my Pro now with a cab waiting for a speaker.Would you recomend me one?Please speak here about wich speaker would you choose for this amp and why.
Well, I would go with a Weber 15A150-O speaker, as that would be the closest replacement for the original Jensen P15N. You could try Jensen's current replacement, but I think the Weber is probably closer to the original.
BTW, I'm building a 5E5A right now too. I had a Weber 15A150-O on order, but they were out of the vintage style baskets to build it, so they used one of the white baskets from the High Power Series speakers (California, etc). It is built using 15A150-O parts, just in the different basket. I installed the speaker into the cab to check it out and decided that it was not the "right" speaker for the amp, cause I believe it would negatively effect the resale value of the amp once it is completed. So I've sent it back to Weber and asked for one in the vintage style basket, and told them I'm willing to wait for it. If you wouldn't mind the white basket you may be able to pick up the one I'm sending in. Contact CJ at Weber VST if you're interested.
I īm thinking strongly in a Weber but itīs far from me and expensive beacause the customs taxes involved and shipping. I was told a ceramic speaker would work well with this amp because itīs clean...... I put a 12" Celestion V30 I had spare at home by now for testing and it sounds OK but there is alot of room inside the cab(maybe beause this was made for a 15" speaker)......
I would go with a vintage Jensen P15N. They turn up on ebay all the time for what you can get a Weber or reissue for. They are the original speaker for that amp and there is nothing that will sound as good in that amp if you want the vintage tone.
I finally get a 15A125 here. I will try it next week. Itīs Weber rated at 30w but I was told it can handle to 40w.As far as the Pro Tweed with 6l6GC can get 30 w or more(not sure,just mny guess) what do you think about this speaker?
Its a good speaker...
However, depending on who's transformers are used, what rectifier or what power tubes are installed and how the pwoer tubes are biased... you'll see a range of 19 watts to 30 watts in these amps.
I've had $2000 Victoria amps in here for minor unrelated repairs that could hardly make 20 watts clean and my 5E5A with a JJGZ34 and two TAD6L6 STRs will hit +30 watts.
Hello Bruce and thank you for your answer.
Itīs a Ceriatone clone with Ceriatone transformers,they seem very good. I asked about yours several times but no answer.I remember you were involved with Weber kits at that time and all that moving to a new home thing too.....
I guess 25-28 w are enough to me..this amp seems loud, at least 25 w for sure....
I put the speaker and plugged a 335 with humbuckers. It seems mids are slow than before.Itīs just like the notes were atenuated and I notice a lot pof difference in volumen between high and treble notes and mid notes. Is thsi ussual with 15"? Not speaker power enough maybe?