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New to the forum: Ready to build a tweed deluxe from a kit

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  • #46
    I suggest trying out an old 5Y3GT vs a new Sovtek. It should drop your B+ by about 20 volts, for a different sound.
    Last edited by Wittgenstein; 06-27-2011, 07:18 PM.
    My Builds:
    5E3 Deluxe Build
    5F1 Champ Build
    6G15 Reverb Unit Build


    • #47
      Originally posted by Wittgenstein View Post
      I suggest trying out an old 5Y3GT vs a new Sovtek. It should drop your B+ by about 20 volts, for a different sound.
      The Mission 5E3 kit comes with a real NOS 5Y3GT rectifier tube and a 12AY7EH, not two 12AX7s and a cheap Russian 5Y3.

      Mission Amps
      Denver, CO. 80022


      • #48
        ordered one, thanks - will let you know. With the tube in how do I measure B+ voltage?


        • #49
          Originally posted by Bruce / Mission Amps View Post
          The Mission 5E3 kit comes with a real NOS 5Y3GT rectifier tube and a 12AY7EH, not two 12AX7s and a cheap Russian 5Y3.
          That's why I ordered one last week. can't wait to build.


          • #50
            Had a brief problem with some noise (nasty crackling sound) and the output dropping to half volume. I checked all the wiring and found a loose filament wire at the first input tube. Used the moment to wrap the filaments a bit tighter and resolderd and it fixed the problem. I do notice a slight buzzy sound (sounds more like a physical vibration than electronic). Checked the parts and can't yet find anything losse and rattle-able. The chassis seems firmly set with no looseness. The 2nd preamp tube is less tight in its socket than the first but its not "loose." I wonder if there is something that's a problem with the speaker but I would hope not - its a brand new Weber Blue Dog and I was extremely careful when I mounted it in the cabinet and the vibration has been around only since last night - I've been playing it about a week and have not yet had the volume over 3. I have ordered a Jensen speaker for my next mission amp build but it hasn't yet shipped so I can't use it to see if the problem goes away with a different speaker. TheBlue Dog certainly appears intact and seems built like a tank. What should I be checking for?


            • #51
              Great to see another new builder. !! Bruce will be ashamed at me b/c I have been working on this thing for a LOOOOOONG time. A bit here a bit there etc... (other projects and work in the way). I have been very satisfied with my Mission 5e3 kit and the support; however next build will be on a larger chassis. Sausage fingers indeed. Maybe a Tweed Twin on Marsahll size thing. Once again congrats on your build. WS. Be Well All.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Thurgood View Post
                Great to see another new builder. !! Bruce will be ashamed at me b/c I have been working on this thing for a LOOOOOONG time. A bit here a bit there etc... (other projects and work in the way). I have been very satisfied with my Mission 5e3 kit and the support; however next build will be on a larger chassis. Sausage fingers indeed. Maybe a Tweed Twin on Marsahll size thing. Once again congrats on your build. WS. Be Well All.
                Thurgood, I am very very satisfied with this build. It sounds better (to me) than my first build, although I am still tweaking the first amp and getting to know these amps. I had a momentary scare when she developd a very loud hum and then a lot of crackle. I discovered a cold solder at the output jack (ground pin) and repaired it with no improvement. Wrote Bruce to ask if I'd damaged the OT. However next day I went over the thing again and discovered that teh volume knobs controls were not working - had full volume no matter where I set the controls. I realized I had failed to group them - missed a couple of wires despite triple checking. I ran a wire from input jack ground to volume pot 1 ground and then on to volume pot 2 ground. Hum was gonbe! I also found two loose red wires at the output tube nearest the preamp side (pin 4). Its amazing how carefully we go and still find basic mistakes - in this case I simply resoldered the wires. The amp immediately sounded great, no hum and no rattle!! I love the amount of tonal control I get simply with my playing - it seems wonderfully responsive. I hope you get to finish yours, overall the build time is pretty short and its just a matter of stealing a few hours here or there. I used the July 4 weekend (Sat aftrenoon and Sunday, and then did my checking and rechecking on the Monday. Still missed some stuff - that seems to be the nature of the thing!

                Good luck with yours.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Monroe
                  Hey i am Monroe and i am new member here. After reading all the above comments i am sure that there are many friends who can help me out.
                  Hi "Monroe".
                  Loved your generic "one size fits all" phrase, which fits *any* Forum in the world, no matter what they are talking about.
                  Pity all you want is to post your (SPAM) link .
                  Pretty interesting, though.
                  Next time I want to sell my old cellphone in Lahore, Islamabad or Karachi will certainly use your services.
                  Do you think your kit to summon a Djinn will work here?
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Djinn334.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	78.3 KB
ID:	821148
                  I was told it was the next best solution if my (guaranteed original) Aladdin Lamp did not work.
                  I sure could use his help, considering some of the repair works I am often asked to do.
                  Juan Manuel Fahey


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by J M Fahey View Post
                    Hi "Monroe".
                    Loved your generic "one size fits all" phrase, which fits *any* Forum in the world, no matter what they are talking about.
                    Yep, he made the exact same post on a Peavey Classic 50 thread. Maybe I overreacted but I decided to ban the spam troll- and ordered the execution of his first born son.
                    The Blue Guitar
                    Some recordings:


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Wittgenstein View Post
                      I suggest trying out an old 5Y3GT vs a new Sovtek. It should drop your B+ by about 20 volts, for a different sound.

                      how do you think it should affect the sound? Cleaner, less clean?

