Hey guys, I have a 5e3 clone here to fix a hum problem for a friend. He has it in a head version and it's ptp, but with terminal strips instead of a board.With no guitar connected and both vols off no hum. When I turn up the vol the hum is there. Now, when the guitar is plugged in the amp is fine,no hum. The hum is only there when the guitar is not plugged in. He has only two inputs which are wired correctly, but when I go near the 1st input on the inside of the amp with a stick the hum gets louder. Any suggestions on what I vcan try to eliminate this hum? I checked every conection and grounds and they all seem fine,good solder joints and no loose wires. I tried moving some of the wires around with a stick while the amp was on but nothing affected the hum.