I'm planning a tweed-style cabinet in hardwood with no covering material. I'd like to avoid exposed hardware holding the chassis in place. I'm thinking that 1/2" long threaded inserts screwed into the underside of the top might work.

Then I can use a 1/4-20 threaded rod through the chassis and into the insert with a nut on the bottom. Inserts like this are very secure but I'm not sure about using them in an overhead configuration holding the weight of a loaded amp chassis. Thoughts? Other ideas on how to do this without drilling holes through the top of the cabinet?
I was all set to cut cabinet panels at right angles when I saw some plans that suggest the front is actually angled upward slightly. Is that the way the original cabinets were built or is that a modern improvement on the original design? I've never noticed the angle in the pictures I've seen of vintage Fenders.
I've only once ever seen a Fender finger jointed cabinet without it's covering and I thought the fingers were 1/4" thick. I've also seen some clone cabinets with 1/2" fingers. In the interest of keeping as much of the original flavor as possible, did the original cabinets have 1/4" or 1/2" fingers or something else entirely?
How thick are the back covers? 1/4" ply would probably be fine if I were covering it with Tolex, but 1/4" solid wood might not hold up well. For the record, what's the thickness of an original 5E7 back?

Then I can use a 1/4-20 threaded rod through the chassis and into the insert with a nut on the bottom. Inserts like this are very secure but I'm not sure about using them in an overhead configuration holding the weight of a loaded amp chassis. Thoughts? Other ideas on how to do this without drilling holes through the top of the cabinet?
I was all set to cut cabinet panels at right angles when I saw some plans that suggest the front is actually angled upward slightly. Is that the way the original cabinets were built or is that a modern improvement on the original design? I've never noticed the angle in the pictures I've seen of vintage Fenders.
I've only once ever seen a Fender finger jointed cabinet without it's covering and I thought the fingers were 1/4" thick. I've also seen some clone cabinets with 1/2" fingers. In the interest of keeping as much of the original flavor as possible, did the original cabinets have 1/4" or 1/2" fingers or something else entirely?
How thick are the back covers? 1/4" ply would probably be fine if I were covering it with Tolex, but 1/4" solid wood might not hold up well. For the record, what's the thickness of an original 5E7 back?