Hi Guys,
A new amp builder here, with a little bit of a worry. I've bought in a bunch of recommended items, from various suppliers, to build my first Bassman clone I'm starting with a 5f6-a cct. and I have a bit of a concern that my power supply might pump out to many volts. Please correct me if I'm wrong (as I do wish to learn). The original design had a 325 vac outputs to the GZ34 recitifier. I assume this means the DC power is 325* root 2 - losses of the rectifier. ie 325*1.41 - 26v = 432 VDC. The MM Axion FTBO-DB+ power transformer that I have has a low voltage output of 380VAC, I therefore assume I'm going to get 510VDC out of the rectifier. Having viewed a number of other posts here on this site, I'm a very concerned that this is too high for my TungSol 5881, or the EH 6L6GC that I have to try in this amp.
My assumption is that I will have little loss from the centre tap on my output transformer (another MM transformer - Axiom FTBO-MM) and therefore be putting about 510VDC straight onto the plates of my output tubes.
This appears to be higher than recommended for these tubes - if I don't fry them, I understand I might get lots of headroom on the amp, and I'd be very happy with that. So here are my questions:
1. Has anyone tried this PT on a 5f6-a clone, and had success?
2. Do I need to worry about this level of voltage or not?
3. If this voltage is considered too high, can you please advise me of the best method of reducing this down to a safe level (using the current transformer - I understand paying out a few hundred bucks more would solve the problem but....)?
4. Finally, I'd like to make a mod to the original design, by using 2*220uf/350 v cap.s in series (with 220k ohm, 1 watt resistors in parallel) as the main filter caps, and I intend to install these on the rectifier side of the standby switch. Is this safe if I intend to use the GZ34 tube rectifier, rather than a solid state device?
Thank you for your help with this.
A new amp builder here, with a little bit of a worry. I've bought in a bunch of recommended items, from various suppliers, to build my first Bassman clone I'm starting with a 5f6-a cct. and I have a bit of a concern that my power supply might pump out to many volts. Please correct me if I'm wrong (as I do wish to learn). The original design had a 325 vac outputs to the GZ34 recitifier. I assume this means the DC power is 325* root 2 - losses of the rectifier. ie 325*1.41 - 26v = 432 VDC. The MM Axion FTBO-DB+ power transformer that I have has a low voltage output of 380VAC, I therefore assume I'm going to get 510VDC out of the rectifier. Having viewed a number of other posts here on this site, I'm a very concerned that this is too high for my TungSol 5881, or the EH 6L6GC that I have to try in this amp.
My assumption is that I will have little loss from the centre tap on my output transformer (another MM transformer - Axiom FTBO-MM) and therefore be putting about 510VDC straight onto the plates of my output tubes.
This appears to be higher than recommended for these tubes - if I don't fry them, I understand I might get lots of headroom on the amp, and I'd be very happy with that. So here are my questions:
1. Has anyone tried this PT on a 5f6-a clone, and had success?
2. Do I need to worry about this level of voltage or not?
3. If this voltage is considered too high, can you please advise me of the best method of reducing this down to a safe level (using the current transformer - I understand paying out a few hundred bucks more would solve the problem but....)?
4. Finally, I'd like to make a mod to the original design, by using 2*220uf/350 v cap.s in series (with 220k ohm, 1 watt resistors in parallel) as the main filter caps, and I intend to install these on the rectifier side of the standby switch. Is this safe if I intend to use the GZ34 tube rectifier, rather than a solid state device?
Thank you for your help with this.