Dear Nevetslab:
1) HAPPY you are getting better, even if slowly.
2) Happy you are in a better place and properly being taken care of.
I am in a similar situation, sold my HUGE house (19 rooms 5500 sq ft) chock full of "valuable" stuff, and have NO place to put all that in.
Thought of renting an ex-factory warehouse , not kidding, but then read a book which changed my mind forever.
It´s called "The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning"

Title sounds horrible but actually refers to an OLD (Vikings era, not kidding) costume of "cleaning house the way YOUR HEIRS would"
As in, serious: "what will your daughter do with 3 Tektronix wall AC size scopes"??? Which need carts to be moved around?
Applies to everything else.
Absolute best case, she can sell them on EBay (If so, do it yourself); if not, junk them *now* (which is what she will do anyway).
Harsh but realistic.
Could send you the full PDF if you wish, but it is written by an 80 something Swedish Lady so it deals a lot on old clothing, sentimental value, etc., BUT it has a chapter dedicated to "Man Caves", very accurate and to the point.
I am attaching just that chapter (about 5% or less of the book) so I guess it is covered by "fair use and comment" provisions.
It might help some, it certainly helped me.
At least to get rid of tons of old amps, pedals, hardware, FAX machines, computers (only kept some power supplies and of course all hard disks), monitors, tape heads, motors, *BOOKS* (nobody reads paper books any more), clothes, bicycles, a car engine, odd speakers, old project PCBs, you-name-it.
Again, hope you get well soon.
Originally posted by nevetslab
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1) HAPPY you are getting better, even if slowly.
2) Happy you are in a better place and properly being taken care of.
I am in a similar situation, sold my HUGE house (19 rooms 5500 sq ft) chock full of "valuable" stuff, and have NO place to put all that in.
Thought of renting an ex-factory warehouse , not kidding, but then read a book which changed my mind forever.
It´s called "The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning"
Title sounds horrible but actually refers to an OLD (Vikings era, not kidding) costume of "cleaning house the way YOUR HEIRS would"
As in, serious: "what will your daughter do with 3 Tektronix wall AC size scopes"??? Which need carts to be moved around?
Applies to everything else.
Absolute best case, she can sell them on EBay (If so, do it yourself); if not, junk them *now* (which is what she will do anyway).
Harsh but realistic.
Could send you the full PDF if you wish, but it is written by an 80 something Swedish Lady so it deals a lot on old clothing, sentimental value, etc., BUT it has a chapter dedicated to "Man Caves", very accurate and to the point.
I am attaching just that chapter (about 5% or less of the book) so I guess it is covered by "fair use and comment" provisions.
It might help some, it certainly helped me.
At least to get rid of tons of old amps, pedals, hardware, FAX machines, computers (only kept some power supplies and of course all hard disks), monitors, tape heads, motors, *BOOKS* (nobody reads paper books any more), clothes, bicycles, a car engine, odd speakers, old project PCBs, you-name-it.
Again, hope you get well soon.