So in an unfortunate incident, two of my amps got blown up from connecting them via their speaker outputs while they were both on. My guess is that this blew the output transformer?
One of them, a Kustom 200, still turns on, however it makes a thick hummmm. The other, a Hartke 3500 300 watt bass head won't turn on at all, it blew a fuse in the process, so I changed it out, and it keeps coming on for a second then getting blown again and it turns off(it's definitely the right fuse amps/volts).
Does this mean the amp is totally crapped out, or is there another explanation for why it would blow a fuse off the bat?
I'm accepting that the Kustom is a lost cause, but my hopes are that there is a better way to solve the issue with the hartke as opposed to needing a new output transformer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
One of them, a Kustom 200, still turns on, however it makes a thick hummmm. The other, a Hartke 3500 300 watt bass head won't turn on at all, it blew a fuse in the process, so I changed it out, and it keeps coming on for a second then getting blown again and it turns off(it's definitely the right fuse amps/volts).
Does this mean the amp is totally crapped out, or is there another explanation for why it would blow a fuse off the bat?
I'm accepting that the Kustom is a lost cause, but my hopes are that there is a better way to solve the issue with the hartke as opposed to needing a new output transformer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!