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Ampeg SVT-4/610HLF Problem

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  • Ampeg SVT-4/610HLF Problem

    I recently started having problems with my Ampeg SVT-4 Pro bass amp. Let me preface this question by saying that my technical knowlege is limited and some of my questions may seem stupid. The red peak LED started coming on and the amp has been cutting out. I took the head to the local repair shop and they said they could not duplicate the problem. I have been running the amp bridged via speakon through an SVT-610HLF 2-3 times a week for the past three years at gigs in bars and never really had to push it. It has been mounted in a Gator box and well taken care of, although it has spent much time in a well sealed trailer outdoors. I have changed the speakon and guitar cables and still have the same problem. I have also played my bass through my back up amp with no problem. I have plugged into the headphone jack and the problem doesn't occur. I am assuming the problem is in the cabinet. Could the cab be the problem and if so what would that be. Any help is appreciated.

  • #2
    sounds like my amp

    my 4 pro has done same thing. been trying to findout if that is a protection mode has cause it. have not been able to find that out yet. i did find a bad spaker in my cab have you tried a diff cab? i played it through a diff cab 3 hr no red light. i still suspect a bad mute switch or switch jack in rear panel. Have read a lot of needing to re solder the boards. my amp works a lot 3times a week for about six years. still would like to know about output fault protection . talking to my only local amp guy tomarrow if i learn anything i will pass it on to you .


    • #3
      That amp uses an internal limiter circuitry to keep the sound as clean as possible going to the speakers. (There should be a Limit Defeat switch on the front panel). This, in conjunction with the peak LED light is probably whats making the amp cut out. What is the signal chain your bass is going through before it hits the amp?

      You might try turning off the Limit Defeat and seeing if the amp still cuts out when the LED comes on. I wouldn't run it this way since whatever is causing the peak condition can create more problems down the line.


      • #4
        The limiter should be just that, not a cutout. The outputs are protected by a speaker relay, and if one of those is dropping out, that would kill your speaker sound.

        You are running bridged. Try running individual power amps to speakers. There are two amps in bridge, and either one could interrupt the signal. You want to find out if that is the case.

        And of course the problem could be in the cab. COnnect to a different cab. Still happen?

        The cab could have cracked solder under one or more of the jacks, there could be a loose connection in the wiring. COuld be a broken connection on the crossover board inside.
        Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


        • #5
          never seen limit light on my amp may have missed it i was on stage middle of set just stuck cord in board. turned off amp went to playing. thanks for the info on relay. will try amp a and b indpenant thank you. Have not had a reply on my poast but learning alot from outhers. orderd mute, limit & 15 db switches gonna touch up and inspect solder joints on pre amp board may install switches to avoid innerminents with them. really enjoy this forum. thanks a bunch!!! everyone.

