ok so it started with kind of a random pink noise in the background that varied in volume, I replaced the power tubes, no change, then the pre amp tubes, no change. So I opened it up and started checking connections, solder joints etc. I saw some questionable joints so i touched up all the tube joints re-assembeled and tested. The random noise appears to be gone... but now for the strange part.
When playing through the lead channel, the low EQ acts backwards meaning no bass at 10 and full bass at 0, but the clean channel is opposite (acting normally)... so I went back and inspected all of my work, touched up some more solder joints and still the same issue. any ideas? Thanks in advance!
When playing through the lead channel, the low EQ acts backwards meaning no bass at 10 and full bass at 0, but the clean channel is opposite (acting normally)... so I went back and inspected all of my work, touched up some more solder joints and still the same issue. any ideas? Thanks in advance!