After replacing all tubes and the fuse inside of my Classic 30 it worked fine, at least: for two weeks. Last Sunday during service in church I had to switch the amp off because it started making terrible 'cracking'? noises. Changing from Input to the Return jacket made no difference. Before Switching the power off I noticed that V5 was glowing a lot more than the other power tubes. Turning the amp on again the next day at home everything worked fine again.. Would the tube sockets be the primary suspects?
I love the clean sound of this amp but don't want to have this happen again while playing..
Seeing many threads regarding the lame construction of the Peavey internal hardware changing to another amp comes to mind. Does any of you guys have a suggestion what other amp would sound comparable to the Classic 30? Heard good things about the Ceriatones too, what type would come closest?
FYI: I'm only using the clean channel of this amp with BOSS GT3 into guitar input or into the return with a GT10.
Appreciate your replies!
I love the clean sound of this amp but don't want to have this happen again while playing..
Seeing many threads regarding the lame construction of the Peavey internal hardware changing to another amp comes to mind. Does any of you guys have a suggestion what other amp would sound comparable to the Classic 30? Heard good things about the Ceriatones too, what type would come closest?
FYI: I'm only using the clean channel of this amp with BOSS GT3 into guitar input or into the return with a GT10.
Appreciate your replies!