As I write, there are TWO Heatkit TA-17 guitar amps sitting next to me. What are the odds? One came over from a dealer, and the other is from my warehouse.
The one from the dealer turned out pretty nice - looks good and the kit was neatly built back when. And all of it works now. I had to do a bunch of small things to it, noisy resistors and noisy transistors and leaky caps. The one I have was not built so nice and isn;t quite as pretty. But having fixed up the other one, I was inspired to dig mine out and rebuild it.
The amp wouldn;t be my choice for playing through, but the mic channel is strong and clean. The guitar channel, well, it is what it is.
The one from the dealer turned out pretty nice - looks good and the kit was neatly built back when. And all of it works now. I had to do a bunch of small things to it, noisy resistors and noisy transistors and leaky caps. The one I have was not built so nice and isn;t quite as pretty. But having fixed up the other one, I was inspired to dig mine out and rebuild it.
The amp wouldn;t be my choice for playing through, but the mic channel is strong and clean. The guitar channel, well, it is what it is.