I have a 65 Watt Crate solid state amp with digital effects, which hums badly whenever I plug in a guitar. It has a muting circuit which quiets it down when nothing is plugged in.
It affects all three channels, very visible on output trace, seems to modulate with the beat of the effects. Unplugging J10 disconnects the digital effects board and cures the problem.
Ground continutity is good, and 12V power to the digital effects board is pretty clean, less than 20 mV of ripple on the scope.
There is nothing loose on the effects board (almost everything is surface mount but some caps and the crystal.).
Any suggestions other than try a new effects board?
It affects all three channels, very visible on output trace, seems to modulate with the beat of the effects. Unplugging J10 disconnects the digital effects board and cures the problem.
Ground continutity is good, and 12V power to the digital effects board is pretty clean, less than 20 mV of ripple on the scope.
There is nothing loose on the effects board (almost everything is surface mount but some caps and the crystal.).
Any suggestions other than try a new effects board?