I'm working on a Peavey MarkIII Musician. It had a weird distortion on the output. I don't know what this kind of output configuration is called but the "opposing" output transistors are not complimentary. They are all NPN with the output coming from the emmiters of the positive half and the collectors of the negative half, each half having three parallel transistors for a total of 6. I opened it up to find that two of the output transistors had been removed...from the same side! so that the positive side of the output only had one transistor while the negative side still had all three. So I might just take one from the negative side and put it in the positve side. Perhaps someone can tell my if and why this is a bad idea. I don't see any issues other than a little loss of power and maybe a little higher output impedance, but then again I don't know much about how such things are determined in solid state amps.
Of course this assumes there is nothing else wrong with the amp.
Of course this assumes there is nothing else wrong with the amp.