There was a thread a few months back about repairing a Heathkit TA-16. I just completed repairing one, here's what I found. TREMOLO/REVERB both were not working. Using the schematic, I found some missing voltages. There was a 13V zener diode installed backwards, reversing it corrected the problem. The LDR was bad in the TREMOLO circuit. I replaced it with a LED and photoresistor(PHOTO) under the chassis where it's nice and dark. The REVERB was out due to some broken wires inside the pan, easy fix! The TREBLE control on the reverb channel was NW, I just followed the wires from the control pot and found a broken solder joint. Look over the whole board for broken solder joints, in total I found 3 more that I'm sure would affect the amps performance. I replaced all the electrolytic caps and now the amp is 100% working!!! Hopefully this helps someone out there...