Having achieved some confidence in my soldering skills and with a LOT of assistance from the experts on this forum (see http://music-electronics-forum.com/t14055/ ), I've decided to tackle my crackling and popping Bassman 50 head and open it up to check the state of the caps (afterall it is old).
The amp has started to make quite a few more crackles and pops, even when the guitar is plugged in and idle. It gets worse when you attack the strings.
I bought this amp from a music teacher and it had been recovered, new tolex equivalent (feels like leather touch) and new original Fender grille cloth and there is a sticker saying that it was booked in for a service in 2000. However, the internals look untouched and seem to have all the original components. Tubes seem to be fairly new according to previous owner.
The amp came with a 4 x 10 cab that had also been recovered with new grill cloth etc.
The concerns are as follows:
1) buzzy noise with crackling and popping noises on both channels. Gets worse when playing - especially enthusiastic playing. Gotten worse over the last few months.
2) Power transformer wires look that they are burnt (discoloured and close to black - see attached picture)
3) pilot light comes on when it feels like - often after a long time in standby, I return to find it lit. Most of the time it does not come on.
4) Should I replace all caps, including power filter caps. How can you tell that these are leaking - visually they look fine.
5) What are those blue caps? There is no discernible value - unless its on the underside and I need to desolder it to see.
Like my Silverface, this amp is hardly played. It seems they may have had hard lives before, but are literally played once a week if that.
Any assistance is appreciated.
The amp has started to make quite a few more crackles and pops, even when the guitar is plugged in and idle. It gets worse when you attack the strings.
I bought this amp from a music teacher and it had been recovered, new tolex equivalent (feels like leather touch) and new original Fender grille cloth and there is a sticker saying that it was booked in for a service in 2000. However, the internals look untouched and seem to have all the original components. Tubes seem to be fairly new according to previous owner.
The amp came with a 4 x 10 cab that had also been recovered with new grill cloth etc.
The concerns are as follows:
1) buzzy noise with crackling and popping noises on both channels. Gets worse when playing - especially enthusiastic playing. Gotten worse over the last few months.
2) Power transformer wires look that they are burnt (discoloured and close to black - see attached picture)
3) pilot light comes on when it feels like - often after a long time in standby, I return to find it lit. Most of the time it does not come on.
4) Should I replace all caps, including power filter caps. How can you tell that these are leaking - visually they look fine.
5) What are those blue caps? There is no discernible value - unless its on the underside and I need to desolder it to see.
Like my Silverface, this amp is hardly played. It seems they may have had hard lives before, but are literally played once a week if that.
Any assistance is appreciated.