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Hotrod Deluxe Problem

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  • Hotrod Deluxe Problem

    Amp died out on me earlier, pulled the fuse out and it's blown. When it died I heard a decently loud pop and I lost all power. Haven't had any problems before this and the only thing in my setup I've changed is I got a fuzz pedal the other day... which actually caused the amp to pick up radio signals... no idea how or if that could factor into this but I figured I'd throw it out there.

    Should I replace the fuse and try it? Would that hurt anything? I'm assuming it would have to be something more than that but I'm not knowledgeable at all with this kind of stuff.

  • #2
    The Unofficial Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Owner's Guide! | Frequently Asked Questions


    • #3
      Hot Rod Deluxe

      Personally, I would pull the output tubes before powering up with a new fuse.
      If this amp was on my bench, I would do a voltage check.
      Pull all the tubes.
      Turn on the amp, standby off.
      Check the heater voltages.
      Check the negative bias voltage.
      If all is o/k, then I would set the variac to 0 volts,insert the preamp tubes, flip the standby on, variac it up while checking the B+ voltage.
      Last would be the output tubes, checked the same way.
      It is always helpful if you can also monitor the current draw from the mains while testing.


      • #4
        A loud pop could indicate you lost a filter cap, or something like perhaps a piece of guitar string fell inside the chassis and shorted something out. I'd pull the back cover and look for anything suspicious like bad smells or burnt offerings. If you don't see anything bad, then it could be a power tube failure. Just my 2 cents

