My amp started to tick faintly a while ago, but I was ignoring it by turning the volume up.The amp is a 5F6A that I built. I wasn't getting the ticking every time I used the amp, just every now and then. To confuse me even more, I always have a Tore-Vibe plugged into the amp, so maybe it was the Tore-Vibe ticking. Tonight, after playing my bassman for about an hour in ticking mode, I decide to switch to my Deluxe Reverb. Right away I notice it's ticking too! WTF? I turn the guitar volume down and the ticking goes away, turn it up and the ticking comes back. Now I'm convinced it's my Strat that's ticking. Then it dawns on me, it's ticking just like a metronone or clock.........or in reality my freaking watch. I'm wearing a watch on my left wrist and the single coil PUs are amplifying the ticking. As I bring the watch closer to the PUs, the ticking gets VERY loud....
Usually I don't wear a watch while playing, and I've never heard the ticking with my humbucker guitars. And here I was thinking my newly built amp had Tweed disease.
Usually I don't wear a watch while playing, and I've never heard the ticking with my humbucker guitars. And here I was thinking my newly built amp had Tweed disease.