I just bought a used B-52 AT-112 that has a non-functional channel switching circuit. Stuck in the Overdrive channel and when the channel switch is pushed neither channel LED lights up. I believe I've traced the problem back to the 4070 cmos XOR chip.
Now here's my problem. I got a copy of the schematic from B-52 and from what I can tell the 4070 chip appears to be completely superfluous. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with the following:
A.) Confirm that the 4070 chip does nothing critical to the operation of the circuit.
B.) Confirm that if I remove the chip and short the contacts for pin 1 to pin 4 and pin 10 to pin 13 this will not cause the amp to explode and should restore channel switching functionality.
I have attached the schematic for reference. Thanks.
Now here's my problem. I got a copy of the schematic from B-52 and from what I can tell the 4070 chip appears to be completely superfluous. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with the following:
A.) Confirm that the 4070 chip does nothing critical to the operation of the circuit.
B.) Confirm that if I remove the chip and short the contacts for pin 1 to pin 4 and pin 10 to pin 13 this will not cause the amp to explode and should restore channel switching functionality.
I have attached the schematic for reference. Thanks.