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Undoing a mod

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  • Undoing a mod

    I had gotten my son a Sovtek mig 60 for Christmas. The seller was supposed to advise me of the mods he made. But, that has not been forthcoming. Anyway, my son brought it home this afternoon so I was able to take a look at it. What I can see is that on valve 1, pin 3 he changed the cathode bypass cap from 47uf to an electrolytic 1uf. And, on pin 8 he added a 2.2k resistor in series with the existing 1.1k bypass resistor.

    On valve 2 pin 3 he put what looks like a gumdrop cap(?) around r9 the cathode bypass resistor. This thing is orange more or less round about 3/16th in diameter. The markings on it say 2.2 and 50. I took a leg loose and tried to read it but I get nothing. On caps test it just shows 0.000. I also tried a diode test both directions and got nothing. Then I tried an ohm reading and got overload. Can I assume this is a cap that burned open?

    Anyway, my son says he wants a "fatter" more "meaty" tone with less "crunch". Does that mean anything to you guys out there? The guy who made the mods said they slightly increased the gain and made it a little less brittle. Would I be better just going back to the stock setup or do you have some suggestions to make it "fatter and less crunchy"?

    Bruce Collins had suggested I put in either a 12ay7 or 12av7 for the first tube and then bypass pin 3, v1, with a 10uf cap instead of the 47uf. And, then add a bypass 1uf on pin 3 v2. My only problem is I can't get those tubes locally. Sioux Falls is not the mecca for tubes or parts.

    Are there other easy things I could try 1st before sending out for tubes? What parts of his mod should I redo? TNX John

  • #2

    I don't know what your son means by "fat", "meaty", and "crunchy" either, but I can tell you what they would mean in the (unlikely) event that I used them:

    "fat" = more low-midrange response, possibly accompanied by an increase in bass

    "crunchy" = overdrive with enhanced upper-mid (and possibly treble) response

    "meaty" = ask your son to define this one, I'd love to hear it

    A great big YMMV - ask ten different people, and you'll get 10 different definitions of these terms.

    Putting the amp back to stock should help bring back some bass response and reduce available overdrive. Changing C6 to a .01uF value will add bass and low mids. Removing C1 will reduce high-treble response. Reducing R11's value will add low mids and bottom; I'd suggest starting with 27K.

    It would be very helpful to know if he's using a distortion pedal or not.



    • #3
      Thanks Ray, Yes he does use a distortion, reverb, and probably a couple other pedals. The distortion and reverb I built for him. I think what he wants is a fairly clean amp with nice rich harmonics and then he will add effects as he wants them from the pedals. He loves his Hiwatt and it seems he runs it pretty clean. If that means anything. Like you say ask 10 people - 10 different answers.

      By the way, I found out why I was reading no capacitance on the cap around r9. I have a fuse blown in the multimeter so I can't read any caps.

