This is a Fender-made 1999 "reissue" Model T. I know they're nothing like the originals (at all). I have the full schematic for it.
This one has a pretty big hole burned in the main PCB where the terminals are for the parallel PT primaries. CP1 and CP2 are melted and TH1 is literally gone... vaporized? Nice big hole where they used to be.
Anyway, no chance of getting any replacement components for this amp (I tried). It looks like nothing beyond the little PT primary terminal area was harmed, so if I knew everything worked, I could just splice the wires back into the parallel-primary 120V configuration and the amp would be ok (I'd replace TH1 in a point-to-point fashion).
Problem is, I still don't know exactly what happened here. When I first looked in the amp, I thought: oh, CP1 and CP2 shorted. But looking at the schematic, they're connected. All the stuff that burned up is supposed to be connected. What's more, NONE of the fuses were blown!! What shorted? The only thing I can think of is that P32, is pretty close by and has the HT secondary on it. Could that have caused it? Maybe a piece of dust (this thing is pretty filthy) flashed over between the two? I'm at a loss...
If a short from P32 to CP1/CP2 was the cause, what are the odds the PT is ok? I've been able to confirm that all the windings are still isolated from each other and the core, and none of them have burned open. The only thing I can't test for (limited equipment) is whether the windings have shorted internally. Looks like there's an overload relay inside the PT... could that have protected it?
Any ideas would be appreciated. If the PT is likely ok, I am going to try and resurrect this thing.. with the lightbulb-in-series for powerup, of course.

This one has a pretty big hole burned in the main PCB where the terminals are for the parallel PT primaries. CP1 and CP2 are melted and TH1 is literally gone... vaporized? Nice big hole where they used to be.
Anyway, no chance of getting any replacement components for this amp (I tried). It looks like nothing beyond the little PT primary terminal area was harmed, so if I knew everything worked, I could just splice the wires back into the parallel-primary 120V configuration and the amp would be ok (I'd replace TH1 in a point-to-point fashion).
Problem is, I still don't know exactly what happened here. When I first looked in the amp, I thought: oh, CP1 and CP2 shorted. But looking at the schematic, they're connected. All the stuff that burned up is supposed to be connected. What's more, NONE of the fuses were blown!! What shorted? The only thing I can think of is that P32, is pretty close by and has the HT secondary on it. Could that have caused it? Maybe a piece of dust (this thing is pretty filthy) flashed over between the two? I'm at a loss...
If a short from P32 to CP1/CP2 was the cause, what are the odds the PT is ok? I've been able to confirm that all the windings are still isolated from each other and the core, and none of them have burned open. The only thing I can't test for (limited equipment) is whether the windings have shorted internally. Looks like there's an overload relay inside the PT... could that have protected it?
Any ideas would be appreciated. If the PT is likely ok, I am going to try and resurrect this thing.. with the lightbulb-in-series for powerup, of course.
